Mom has green fingers, but she is also very concern the green that landed in my hand because, literally, their shelf life would be very short... I bought a small pot of money plant from supermarket about a year ago, but Mom did not really approve of it. Money plant is known as "万年青". Translated into Chinese, it means "clear out for ten thousand years"... well, not that auspicious really, especially for money, haha!
One day, I came back to Singapore and found my money plant missing, and in its place was a mini "发财树"! Mom cut off three branches from her gigantic "发财树", potted into my hanging pot. Mom told me the money plant died... It took the new pot of green a while to get healthy because I always forget to water it. Recently, when I came back to Singapore; I found it has a new shoot!
The above pictures were taken over only three days and it is simply amazing to see how fast a plant can grow!
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