About Rain Tea

Rain Tea is obviously my pseudonym; I love the name my parents gave me and not about to change it. There is no particular reasons for this moniker, I used it a couple of years ago for some translation work, and it sort of just stuck on.

So more about the real me.

I am a proud Singaporean and I am happily married to a loving-but-not-Singaporean husband. 

Hence I am not always with my (Singapore) family. I miss my family and I miss Singapore for its ease of transport, the security and the green. Instead of groveling over the situation, perhaps the act of travelling between the three homes give me the best reason to start a journal. 

I am an introvert by nature, but I like sharing. Even with (nice) strangers. Writing gives me a quiet joy, and it calms my mind. It helps to section and put aside a memory that I can always go back and re-visit my feeling at that time. 

Not too long ago, I got hold of something that gave me a similar joy. Photography. I am no talent in this area, I simply love the visual articulation that photographs bring to my writing. 

With a pen (keyboard :>), and a camera, perhaps I can share better with my family and friends what is happening in my life. 

I love green stuff. So you are going to find lots of posts on plants, flowers, vegetables, seeds and soil. Digging and having soil on my hands takes me away from the hectic city life. You are very likely to see more of my vegetables and plant more than you see me. I love animals too; especially dogs.

I hope someday I would have enough money to buy a piece of land and home all stray dogs, plant vegetables and turn them all into vegetarians!

I believe things happen for a good reason and over the years, I learn to fret less about the way things turn out. I do not always have things go my way, and when it doesn't, I just chant this mantra. Life has its own way of working out the kinks, I leave it to the higher being to handle the difficult part.

Things happen for a good reason. Keep living.

13 Sep 2012

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