Monday, August 12, 2013

How are you?

Anyone watched "Friends with Money" before? 

I was running through some of the Chinese blog posts that I wrote a couple of years ago and came across this one that I really like; I wrote it after watching "Friends with Money". I translated the essence of the blog per below; the original blog post is available after the translated copy. 

The movie is about this teacher-turned-cleaner character who started feeling unsure of her future and, strangely of, her friends who had the money. Instead of this character, I rather enjoyed the story about one of her friends. 

This friend's life revolved around her husband and she completely lost herself after she was married. There was this scene where she burnt her hand, and her husband was right there when this happened. Instead of asking about her injury, he asked her about something else. 

She was obviously angry over his lack of concern. She asked if he seen her getting hurt, and his answer was a resounding yes. While he saw her getting injured, he felt that she should be alright since she did not complain about it. She was an adult, she should be able to express herself if she needed help. Right?

Of course she could. 

Her point, like most women, was really to find out if her husband cared enough to ask about her well being. 

If you are not hurt beyond the ability to move around, don't make a big deal out of it. If you are indeed hurt, and can fetch a plaster, please be a babe and do that and let me get on with my stuff. This is man. 

I am hurt. I am not dead, but can't you come over and take a look. I thought you love me? This is woman. 

Man's logic intelligence usually clashes with a woman's emotional intelligence. "1+1" is always "2", it could never be "11" like the way it could be to a woman. No one is right and no one is wrong. 

The last scene played out very aptly.

The wife was working in the room when she hurt her foot. Her helper, who was in the other room, shouted across to ask if she was alright. 

At that very moment, the wife finally understood how to move forward with their relationship. 


刚刚看完了一部蛮depressing的电影。故事环绕着四个女主角,四人都有她们的喜与悲。 一人因为找不到那种快乐的感觉而拒绝洗头(够怪吧…);她觉得洗了还是会脏,那就算了 - 别洗了,等我找到快乐再说。另一个没有什么人生目标,因为她还对已婚的男友念念不忘,从教师变成了清洁女佣(我没排斥清洁女佣,我只是在叙述故事内容)。第三主人翁继承了一大笔遗产,有钱应该没什么忧愁,对吧?别做梦了,是人就有烦恼 - 她和老公都不能好好地处理婚姻和当个称职的父母。最后的这主角,也是我这文章的主题来源,结了婚后,失去了自我,以老公为中心。她搞不懂她与丈夫存在着的是什么关系。














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