Thursday, July 4, 2013


Papa Dom was finally able to bring Lucy home!

In between his busy schedule and moving, arrangement was made to bring Lucy home from Senmeyih. We were going in hubby's car, and coming back WITH Lucy in the same car! Surprisingly, hubby did not put up too much of a fight. Perhaps two against one, there was nothing much he could do? But I would like to think he went along with it because, he knew I would be very happy on that dog trolling day!  

After about 45 minutes, we reached the legendary farm. Surrounding is relatively peaceful, until we stepped out of the car, and mine, the barking raptured! Tara came trotting with her ears pulled all the way back, and tail wagging furiously. Lucy, chained at the backyard, was already barking madly. And from nowhere came the princess Snow White aka Marley. Another two dogs, Jane and Marey, were chained up. Five dogs, whao… this is a great place!




And next came Kak Elda. She is an impressive lady, with a commanding presence. She houses the dogs as guard dogs and treats them very well.

Woohoo, check out her self made pool!

Among the three dogs, I rubbed Tara the most because she was always near me. She has this German Shepherd-cum-wolf look, but she was so gentle. Tara loves swimming; if she is missing, Kak Elda just need to look over to the pool and she would see Tara doing her laps happily. Papa Dom always suspects Tara is a fish disguised as dog.

Papa Dom trying to get the dogs into the pool
Tara trying to dry herself with a sand bath

After taking a couple of photos, I turned on the LCD screen viewer to check if I had some good shoots, and bohoo! I didn’t set the mode and settings right, and almost all the photos did not turn out well  :(
Big lesson – I must always remember to do a couple of test shoots in similar environment before I start to shoot. So there is only one presentable farm shoot and it was one which I took from the other side of the pool. With hubby posing  :)

Lucy was all over me, and I hope that was because she still remembered me! Lucy is such a destroyer. Papa Dom said she had chewed through her metal chain, can you believe it… Kak Elda told me Marley is the most timid of all dogs though she is a rat-cum-snakes radar, which is extremely useful in the farm.

My precious...

I did not dare to venture too near to Marey and Jane because they have this killer look, although Papa Dom told me they could be otherwise too. I truly love dog, but I am a scaredy cat too...

Kak Elda invited us to be back in about a month’s time. I am looking forward to another dose of dog soon!

PS: Dog lovers, please don’t hunt my hubby. I need to clarify hubby does not hate dog; he just doesn't like a dirty wife :)

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