Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Telling a Story

I always feel words tell a good story. 

Then came a camera, the story gets better. 

After that, I realise a story gets better with an edited photograph. 

Hence Lightroom comes along. 

I like to learn some new skills from time to time, not just to complement my work, it is mostly to keep my mind active. Hopefully along the way, I would acquire enough skills to keep me busy when I retire. 

I am always on a look out for trial lessons before I commit to the product. And if it can be downloaded onto the Mac for the instant trial, that would be even better.

And I found Adobe's product trials! 

I frequent Adobe in the past for the PDF reader, that was about it until Adobe offers their products online only. And I found a haven of quality product trials that come with tutorials in their site. The trial runs for thirty days. And I found Lightroom here.

I have been looking around for a simple software to edit the photos for a while, and Lightroom is perfect. 

I can adjust the contrast, clarity, erase marks, change the tone of the photo and isolating a particular object in the photo easily. 

Fading off the background to monotone, the skin a bit too reddish? 

Adobe does not just provide free trials, they pair it with tutorials that you can watch and learn online. Lessons are broken up, and if you want to revisit any lesson, there is no hassle to re watch the entire tutorial.

The tulips on left and right are toned down, leaving the center tulip to be more vibrant.

The above samples are not great, but the idea is there. I think their trial library would keep me busy for a while!

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