Thursday, January 31, 2013

Calanthe Art Cafe - Malaysia 13 States' Coffees

I have officially three homes ever since we got married last year. Among the three homes, hubby's hometown home gets neglected the most. Ever since we got married, we tried to make an effort to go back to his hometown at least once every three months. So in Dec, he took a couple of days leave and off we went to home!

We left home 10am-ish as we intended to stop by in Malacca for lunch - the famous chicken rice balls. When we reached Jonker Street about 1pm-ish, the place was really crowded and we had to circle the area for about 30 minutes before we could get parking.

Saw this lovely white flower while we walked over for lunch!
If parking was such a fuss, we weren't really surprise with the queue outside the shop. Hubby didn't wanted to queue as it was a hot day and the sight of the queue was really not a comforting sight, but I kind of insisted since we deliberately made a detour just for the chicken rice.

The long queue just outside the eatery.

We waited for about 20 minutes and was brought to a table just in front of the door. We were like the display of food portion for two persons, ha! There was no menu and we were told to order half a chicken and two plates of rice. Lack of dish selection was obvious, it is a chicken rice store after all :)  After I started writing, I realised I had not taken any photo of the food! And I never seem to have taken any picture of food...

The food was normal, I felt. Nothing spectacular or "Whao! I must come back again!" type. I kind of don't get the queue.

Hubby said the last time he was out stationed at Malacca, he was introduced to a very nice and quaint cafe. The cafe's uniqueness was that it carried the different coffees from the 13 states of Malaysia.

The cafe was nothing like the modern, sleek Starbucks or the "woody" Coffee Beans & Tea Leaves. It was rustic and quaint like hubby said. The cafe had two sections, one which had sofa seats, low coffee tables and the other section housed the usual cafe tables and chairs. I like the second section more - the floor were laid with small granite stones and the place was practically open air.

I did not try their coffee, but went for an Earl Grey ice tea. I am always more of a tea person than coffee. Hubby asked for recommendation for a strong ice brew and the waitress gave him something really nice (again, didn't take a photo of the coffee...). 

As we enjoyed our drinks, I spotted another section of the cafe which did not seemed to be opened to the public. I saw a little girl running to an elderly woman sitting inside and she was busy with some stuff in her hand. I googled and found out the cafe was selling handmade jewelry as well.

There were some casual arts around the cafe. Not sure if this is the correct term to use, but I like casual stuff :) They even had a bicycle tied up to their skyline, cool!

We spent about an hour in the cafe before we got back on to the journey. A laid back but extremely comfortable cafe to sit and chill.

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